A branding project in collaboration with Bryan Tat, Prakriti Goyal, and Yelim Lee
This is a project collaboration with Village Brewery. Leave You Mark is a take on Village’s Explorer line, which is a new line of adventurous craft beers that promote connection, and conversation and feature niche styles and novel ingredients.
Leave Your Mark circles on the idea of how everyone has dreams and aspirations that they would like to work towards. Most people want to leave their mark on the world, to let others know they were here. Regardless of whether you leave one in a big or small way, so how do you want to Leave Your Mark?
During the process of creating the wordmark, we were putting out the question of what would leave a mark. Some ideas went from stains, fingerprints, footprints etc. Since the idea of Leave Your Mark was how one can leave their legacy to commemorate their life, we decided to create a visual that mimics a trail. For the colours, we wanted to represent the tropical flavours of the beer, hence the colourful saturated gradient.